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Beauty Coaching



Our relationship with beauty routine is something ancestral.. For may women it’s a source of security and confidence. It gives you the extra push to go on that zoom meeting or party all feeling great.

It totally makes sense why we want to invest in our beauty confidence. Yet, with the time and money we’re spending on it, sometimes you’re not finding reliable answers or getting the results you want.


During my 20+ year career working on film sets with actors and celebrities, I've learned woman and man requires a customised skin and beauty routine that integrates the perfect products and daily practices to keep her skin heath and makeup ready.


So I want to help you to get the step-by step you need to learn the unique choices around your skincare, makeup, skin food nutrition, facial exercises that fit just your needs.


In my 1:1 Beauty Coaching sessions you will learn how to:


Have a simple and customized beauty and makeup routine.


Showing up as your best in life and on camera.

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©Alma Casal 2024 | All Rights Reserved

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